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In the depths of the city's shadows, where darkness mingled with desire, a tale of redemption and unexpected encounters unfolded.

It had been three long years since the devastating ordeal that left her bereft of family and possessions, consumed by the merciless flames. She stood at her customary haunt a place where the dance of despair and longing intertwined. 

The place where she waited for someone to carry her through the night, seeking solace within her bossom or perhaps a glimmer of hope. 

Beside her, the flickering lamplight cast ethereal shadows, hinting at the secrets and whispered promises that danced on the night breeze. 

Little did she know that this night would be different, veiled beneath the cloak of a peculiar stranger. 

As she stood there, casting her gaze upon the familiar faces of her regular customers, a man approached her. Unlike the others, he remained silent at first, his smile reaching his eyes as if he could see into the depths of her soul. 

His eyes, like two orbs of fire, penetrated her soul, unraveling the tapestry of her hidden desires. 

There was an indescribable essence about him, something that set him apart from her usual encounters with her regular patrons. 

Finally, he spoke, his voice carrying a sense of peace that calmed the storms raging within her. 

He urged her to cease her current path and spoke of a path to redemption, a chance to reclaim all that had been lost. 

They forged an unlikely bond, engaging in conversations that spanned hours, their words like brushstrokes painting vivid landscapes of hope and transformation. Yet, as the night wore on, he bid her farewell, disappearing into the shadows from whence he came. His absence left a void, a longing that gnawed at her soul, compelling her to seek him out once more. 

Time passed, and she couldn't resist the urge to see him. 

The whispers of fate guided her steps toward his location and to an enigmatic celebration. 

Curiosity filled her heart, and she couldn't help but inquire about the cause of such joy. 

"What's the celebration about?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine intrigue, as she gazed upon the festivities and upon the faces. 

He smiled and responded, "You worry yourself too much, today is my special day." 

"Wow!" her voice tinged with disbelief as a flicker of recognition danced within her eyes. 

"You said it!" he replied. His warm smile never fading. 

In a moment of profound gratitude, she hastily reached into her bag and retrieved an alabaster box. 

She sat at his feet behind him and started weeping, washing his feet with her tears and using her hair to lovingly wipe away the excess. 

Carefully, she opened the alabaster box, revealing fragrant oil within. With trembling hands, she poured the precious oil onto his leg, anointing him, and kissed his feet.  

In that act of devotion, she expressed her deep reverence and love for the one who had brought light into her life once again. 

Time seemed to stand still as the room fell silent for a few minutes, the guests—his friends, the tax collectors, and the Pharisees unaware of the tableau that unfolded before them. 

Some spoke in their heart with a high level of disgust saying, that if he indeed was a prophet he would be able to decipher that the lady was a prostitute. 

Silence was broken as he spoke to them saying "Her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, [the same] loveth little." 

As she continued with her act her heart quickened, her mind racing to decipher the enigma presented before her. She searched his face, desperately seeking recognition, yet the truth eluded her, shrouded by the veil of suspense woven into the narrative. 

"Jesus!" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with disbelief, as a flicker of recognition danced within her eyes. 

With warmth and compassion, he affirmed, "Yes, my daughter." 

Overwhelmed by her forgetfulness, she stammered, "Forgive me, Lord. I failed to recognize you, my heart consumed by the shadows of my past." 

His gaze softened, and he offered solace, "Fear not, my child, for in you, I see the light of redemption shine."

By; Williams Cornerstone 


  1. Nice piece, twas really captivating reading this.
    Kee it up


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